I am a brand new empty nester taking the plunge with my husband of 28 years on a move to the other side of the globe! The past six months have been both overwhelming and exhilarating as we have prepared for this epic adventure. Taking the 28 years of our lives together and packing it into one storage unit has been wild (um, more like challenging). We packed our suitcases, dropped our children off at college and said tearful goodbyes to our family and friends. We waved goodbye to the North Carolina, USA and hello to our new life in Jakarta, Indonesia. This will be the story of how we have gotten here and eventually, of all the awesome things we will encounter. The good, the bad, the happy and the sad. I am hoping I can help new expats as much as all of the resources on the internet have helped me. Follow me on turningexpat!

-Carrie ☀️

“A good today is worth two tomorrows!”