The hardest thing about living so far away is that you are all so far away! We consider ourselves extremely lucky that we are able to live in another country at a time when it is so easy to keep in touch. When I studied abroad back in the olden days, my parents were lucky to hear from me via landline or snail mail maybe once a month! Although I now treasure the letters my mom and I wrote back and forth, I’m glad that times have changed. Now, although we are separated by more than 10,000 miles, we can text, talk or send photos in nanoseconds and as often as we like! It is a modern day miracle and it puts our minds at ease every day.

Our extended friends and family also make this transition so much more tolerable. They check in on our kids, visit our kids, take them out to dinner, send them treats and even throw parties for them! Our children may be young adults, but they still appreciate knowing that even with their parents abroad, there are always people nearby cheering them on. It makes me so happy that our kids are well aware that they are loved by so many more people than just their parents! We will try to see them as often as we can, but at this time in their lives, I think they are enjoying spreading their wings. It’s easier having an empty nest when you know your children are flying fine on their own.

chan aidan kaila and caitlyn

Thanksgiving we miss!!


Fun and Family😍


Love and Laughter!


Grandparent love♥️


Even the pup is well cared for!


Thank you for supporting my superheroes!


Dinners with family❤️




Becky · November 24, 2018 at 10:50 pm

Did you hear the boys are all going to Vegas next week for Payson’s Birthday? Should be a lot of fun😊

crissie · November 25, 2018 at 2:43 am

so awesome- love is everywhere! xoxo

Pat · November 26, 2018 at 4:22 am

We miss you both very much. Will make sure we reach out to Chandler, Aidan and Sedona during this holiday season.

    admin · November 26, 2018 at 9:46 am

    Thank you! We are excited that 2 of the 3 will be with us!

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